XXI General Chapter

General Chapter Documents

May 12, 2003 to June 13, 2003

1. Prot. n. 272/2001: Letter from Fr. General convoking the 21st General Chapter

2. Prot. n. 264/2001: Letter written to major superiors of the congregation follwing their November 2001 meeting in Rome

3. 21st General Chapter Preparatory Text

4. Simplificationof "The Structures of the Congregation" Representation at the General Chapter

5. Prot. N. 96/2002: Letter to major superiors, their councils and treasurers outlining tasks for chapters to consider regarding the economic affairs of the congregation. 

6. The XXIst General Chapter will have 81 delegates (both de jure and elected). They come from 29 different provinces, regions and districts plus the general administration. The list of delegates and alternates.

7. XXI Chapter prayer.

8. The Indian District has also written a special prayer for the chapter which can be found by linking to Indian District Prayer for the General Chapter 2003 . 

9. Prayer for the XXIst General Chapter US & McKenna Revisions.

10. Letter from the Preparatory Commission

11. Preparatory Text (Please note at this time the Spanish text is not available.)

12. Working Document

13. SCJ APOSTOLIC VOCATION (Preparing for the XXIst General Chapter)

14. Program of the XXI General Chapter

15. The daily journal reports and other documents of the XXI General Chapter:
