By Bishop Taban Paride of the Diocese of Torit, Southern Sudan

I have just returned from a visit to the Western part of Eastern Equitoria, Southern Sudan. I went via Northern Uganda on the 16th. October and returned on the 29th. My purpose was to visit and tend to the needs of our people in those areas.

A people harassed and distraught During this period, I witnessed two blitz style bombing raids carried out by the Khartoum Government. The animals provided us with an advance warning facility.. dogs hasted to the bunkers; a pet monkey joined them. Hens and chickens took off in hurried flight to the shade beneath the nearest bushes. Birds stopped singing. A sudden stillness gripped all. We quickly followed those dogs and a monkey to the bunkers. Animals and humans shared a paralyzing fear. "The Antonov is coming. The animals hear the sounds of death before we do," stated the village teacher.

The Recipients

There was no military presence in either of the centres where I witnessed the bombs fall. The recipients are simple, struggling uninvolved civilians. I saw them as ones trying to reconstruct their lives, trying to experience and taste again some of the normality that you and I take for granted. They are building schools.. their children hunger for knowledge. They construct small chapels.. they want to be a community, to be close to God. They plant food.. they want enough to eat. They do not want to depend on relief food. They go on wanting more, to be more. Yet all the time, they go on wanting. The devilish bombs from above continually rip their ambitions apart. The planes from Khartoum come almost daily. Who knows the deep psychological and emotional scars that are on the souls and minds of these innocent people.. people of Lobone, Magwi, Parajok, Palotaka, Agoro areas etc. They suffer from chest complaints, they cough and wheeze. Do these bombs contain chemical, dangerous gases?! They ask me. Can we have doctors to test us?

They feel abandoned! Alone and frightened! Disillusioned and confused! The cry that arises from all this suffering and pain is: "Is there anybody, anywhere, who knows us? Is there anybody, Anywhere, who really cares?"

They asked me to find out. They told me to speak out, to be their voice. They ordered me to do all I can to stop this senseless war and killing, to stop the suffering. I promised to try, to be their voice and bring their message and cry to the world. Can anyone help me, can you assist me to bring about a genuine dialogue between the leaders of north and south Sudan? We need a lasting and just peace where northern and southern people can live in peace as brothers and sisters.

Who wins the war, who loses?..

Historically, no war has ever been won in Eastern Equitoria, Southern Sudan, militarily. The Geographical features make this impossible. Historically, innocent civilians have always lost. From 1955 till today the war was and is still being fought in Eastern Equitoria.

My appeal.. stop war, listen to the pain of civilian population

Once again I appeal to the Government of Sudan and Sudan People Liberation Movement to leave aside the rivalry of politics and propaganda. Come together with honest hearts and look with integrity and open eyes at what you are doing to our citizens, our ethnic communities and our nation. People are displaced everywhere. Listen to us United Nations, IGAD and the Organization of African Unity! Concerned people everywhere! come, listen to the voice less, let them speak. Let their stories redesign the "Agendas." The truth of the reality is in them. I met boy soldiers who were literally just breathing skeletons. They escaped from Lord's Resistance Army, who had earlier abducted them from Northern Uganda. My heart was wounded. I wept.

As I make my way back to my Residence in Southern Sudan, I am tormented by their plea.. "Bishop, try to stop this war; we are tired of death and insecurity. Why has everyone in our village started coughing since these bombardments began? Why are we abandoned by the world? Why are we dying unnoticed and alone? Bishop... why? ...why?

3 Nov 9


Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Unions of Superiors General

Father Frans Thoolen, SMA
Via Aurelia 476, CP 9099 (Aurelio)
00100 Roma