June 27, 1998

What's New?

An outline of TheMeeting of Young European Dehonians 1998 (August in Foligno) can now be accessed in French, Spanish and English, as well as the original Italian. We would like to thank Italo Rocchi (IM) for providing our site with these translations.

In addition to this text there is also a set of reminders to participants to the Young Dehonian from Europe. It can be accessed hereby linking to RICORDATE! REMEMBER! RAPPELLEZ VOUS!

The Sanctuary of St. Jude (Sao Paulo) has opened a web site at It has been added to our links page and can be accessed there (cf. Links). The Sanctuary is operated by our South Brazilian Province.

What's Happening?

On June 15th Vatican News Service announced that Giuseppe Morandini (IS) has been appointed as a consultor for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

We received a notice in Portuguese from our South Brazil Province about the 75th anniversary of Taubaté. A copy of the text in Portuguese can be accessed here by linking to CONVENTINHO CELEBRA 75 ANOS DE FUNDAÇÃO.

On June 24th, the feast of John the Baptist the French Canadian Province (CG) changed it's status to a region under the General Administration (CGA).

The General Administration has confirmed the new US Provincial Administration chosen at the recently concluded US Election Assembly (cf. news page for June 20, 1998).

The Commission on Governance headed by Umberto Chiarello (CU) met in Rome last week. In addition to Umberto the commission's members are: Piet Schellens (NE), Simón Reyes (HI), Maurice Légaré (CGA) and Paulo Hülse (BM). The scope of the commissions work is found in The Plan, published by the General Administration last January:

33. 3.Operative Choices

By way of immediate, concrete response, the General Government has already established a "Committee of Experts" to look at structures of government. Among its tasks, it should:

These committee proposals will be evaluated at the next meeting of provincial and regional superiors at Rome.

Afterwards, such structures will be made operative 'ad experimentum' till the next General Chapter by the General Government.

Please Remember

+Fr. Josef Jene of the German Province who died on June 8, 1998. Fr. Jene was a missionary in the United States for many years, serving in South Dakota, before returning to his home province upon his retirement.

Born 01/12/02
1st Profession 22/09/26
Ordained 27/07/31
Died 08/06/98 at Hirzweiler, Germany

An Annual Event

One of two rooms used for the evening buffet at Pointe-au-Chên

The scjs of French Canada celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart with about 300 friends at Pointe-au-Chêne, an hour's drive from Montréal. For many years Pointe-au-Chêne was a minor seminary for the province, but with the decline in vocations the school was opened up to day students in 1977. It is now a secondary school for both boys and girls of which about 65 are week day boarding students. Students come from as far away as Montréal, though the vast majority are bused in from the area around Pointe-au-Chêne.

The annual Feast of the Sacred Heart celebration with area friends of the school began 16 years ago. This year Maurice Légaré was principal celebrant. He is superior of the new Region of French Canada (CGA). After the Liturgy, friends of the school joined in a buffet supper pictured above.

The Economy and the Kingdom

Last week (cf. June 20, 1998 new page) we ran an article courtesy of Bob Bossie about the recent conference held by the scjs of South Brazil on "The Economy and the Kingdom of God.". Bob was kind enough to send the summary of the lecture given by Professor Jung Mo Sung which he received from Heloisa Perrone Attuy, a conference participant. In addition to the lecture summary we are including Bob's response to Ms. Heloisa Perrone Attuy (Cf. Lecture Summary).