From Rome March 7, 1998 
Thoughts on Zaire

On February 5, 1998 Fr. General wrote a letter to the congregation on his month long visit to the Zairian Province. Since a web page is a 'public' document, open to all, it is not possible to put the entire letter on our scj web site. We encourage you to read it when it is published in your province. The following is a very short excerpt from that letter:

The members of the Zairian province serve in a variety of apostolates: parishes and missions in the forest, formation house, a spirituality center, social works, the provincialate and a number of other activities and services that are diocesan in nature.

The members and the province as a whole enjoy high esteem by the local church in which they are fully involved. They work with a generous dedication to the ministries assigned them and dream of a province with a greater native likeness, more Congolese, one that is sustained by religious from the area who possess conviction and love for their Dehonian heritage.

Council comings and goings?

Ryszard Mis left on March first for a month long visit to Poland, Moldavia and Byelorussia. At present Fr. General is is Latin America; Wardjito is in Indonesia conducting the consultation for a new provincial administration; Umberto Chiarello is in Belgium visiting Clairefontaine and then Brussels; Zolile Mpambani continues his Italian studies in Perugia; Tom Cassidy and Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva are at the generalate in Rome.

News from Dimataling

In a recent letter to the generalate, Rino Venturin (AU) spoke about the scjs working at Dimataling, one of the original Philippine missions staffed by the community in 1989:

In Dimataling Jan [Janusz Burzawa (PO)] and Bene [J. Benedito de Moraes Machado (BM)] are working hard and the parish is experience a heartening revival. They are planning to build a new church, a simple one. People are very excited and cooperative. They also started the foundations of our future novitiate.

About our formation house in Cogayan de Oro, up to now the news is positive: all our seminarians are there; there is a friendly environment. a studious climate and a love for the congregation. Al [Aloísio Back (BM)] and Eduardo [Eduardo Emilio Agüero (AU)] are doing a great job. There are promising conditions for our future, but too soon to talk about numbers. The construction of the new house is proceeding at good speed, within the projected schedule, and without any major difficulties.

Final Touches

Work continues on Villa Aurelia to complete the transformation of the old curia wing of Rome I into a casa d'accoglienza (pilgrim house). Pictured below is the breezeway connecting the casa to the SCJ South Italian building where the coffee bar, restaurant and conference center are located.

The casa d'accoglienza is a joint venture between the South Italian SCJs and the General Administration. It's purpose is to insure continuous use of the facilities when not needed by the general administration (such as for chapters, or other congregational meetings).