Gathering - Assemblée - Convoacación -Reunião - Raduno - Versammlung 
07 - 11 - 98

Theme: Social Commitment & The General Conference (Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva)

08:30 -- Presentation of the theme

08:45 -- Meeting in linguistic groups

  • English
  • French
  • Italian (two groups)
  • Spanish/Portuguese
1130 -- Plenary session

Free for the Weekend!


The two themes were presented at the same time, since to some degree the topics overlap, given the theme of the next General Conference in the year 2000 is on: Economics and the Kingdom of God.

The following questions were discussed in the linguistic groups:

A. Social commitment:

  1. What do you suggest: should we return to a commission or should we create a secretariat?
  2. In both cases how should it work? What ideas do you have?
  3. do you have in mind some names for these services to the congregation?
  4. Looking at the objectives presented, what do you suggest to the provinces and general administration?
[Editor's note: We hope to have on site the two papers presented. Hopefully they will be up no later then tomorrow.]

B. General Conference:

  1. What would be the appropriate methodology for this conference?
  2. How to study the social-cultural reality in the context where we live?
  3. How to get the whole congregation reflecting on such a theme?
  4. Besides the members of the general administration and the major superiors who should take part in the conference? Those responsible for Justice & Peace? Of the geographic areas? The provincial treasurers? Your own suggestions.
  5. Where should the conference take place? In the third world?
  6. When? In 2000 from May 15th on -- please give a more exact date.
  7. Who will prepare the conference together with the general administration, e.g. a commission?
  8. Who should be members of such a commission?
  9. Who do you recommend as moderators for the conference?

Meeting Notes

The document presented by Zolile Mpambani (CU) yesterday has now been posted in English. It can be accessed here by linking to: INITIAL AND ONGOING FORMATION

The delegates are taking a well deserved rest! They have been given Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday off. Many were seen ambling down the hill to various points of interest in Rome soon after the noon meal was completed.

Yesterday we showed Martin van Ooy's gift to the curia from India. Today we would like to present Martin himself!

Today's reflection is presented by Rein van Langen (NE). He is provincial superior of our Dutch Province. He is no stranger to many in the congregation due to his work with on-going formation. Please note due to the time factor his reflection will be posted later today, or tomorrow. When available it can be accessed here at Rein's reflection.

Rein van Langen NE
provincial superior