IV. Organization and Services  

To fulfill its duties and to respond to the demands made by the plan "We, the Congregation", the superior general and his council have already made the following administrative decisions.

1. Responsibilities of the Councilors and the times when the Council will be gathered in Rome:

41. 1. Assistance to geographic zones and to provinces, regions, and territorial communities.

Having before us the indications given by the provinces themselves, we have decided on the following distribution:

42. 2. Guidance for sectors and activities. The 20th General Chapter suspended General Commissions, except that of the General Finance Committee required by universal law (CC 1280) and our own proper law (NAB 25). Until such time as new structures of government and animation are created, the areas will be guided by one councilor as head and by another as assistant. 43. 3. The times when the General Government will be in Rome are the following: At all other times, several councilors shall always be present in Rome to take care of current matters that require treatment.

2. Criteria for Province Visits

44. During the upcoming six year term, the visits by the General Government will have as their special objective to stimulate "communion, collaboration, and sharing" in the spirit of the plan "We, the Congregation in Service to the Mission" entrusted to us by the 20th General Chapter whenever we participate in the more important events in the provinces, regions, and territorial communities.

45. The Superior General will once again visit all the provinces, regions and territorial communities during the term, giving priority to community gatherings.

Visits from the Councilors have for their purpose to be in touch continuously with the life of the provinces, regions, and territorial communities assigned to them; to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the base, and to serve as a channel between these elements of the congregation and the General Administration.

Superiors of provinces, regions, and territorial communities shall give timely notice of any meetings, particular celebrations, special occasions of ongoing formation, zonal meetings... to the General Curia so that the presence of a General Councilor might be arranged for in ample time.

46. Visits from the General Treasurer shall take place at the mandate of the Superior General or at the request of a province, region, or territorial community so that, during this six year term, every part of the congregation can take advantage of an administrative visit. The General Treasurer will be accompanied, if necessary, by some member of the General Commission for Finances.

Such visits have as their scope to observe and commend the application of the Constitutions (Cst. 137-143) and the "Norms for the Administration of Goods [NAB], to help out in setting up financial accounting, budgets, statements..., to become informed about financial affairs, and to look at the possibilities for self-support."

3. Assistants to the General Government

47. We have already indicated the nominations of Fr. Claudio Siebenaler as Secretary General, of Fr. Marek Stoklosa a Assistant Secretary General, and of Fr. Oliviero Girardi as General Procurator at the Holy See; their terms will end 31/12/1998. Beginning 01/01/1999, we anticipate the nomination of Fr. Marek Stoklosa as Secretary General, of Fr. Claudio Siebenaler as Procurator General to the Holy See. Fr. Oliviero Girardi will continue to be the Postulator General.

48. In our work, we are assisted by other religious. As Coordinator of Curia Services, Fr. Bernard Rosinski will complete his mandate at the end of May, 1998.

Fr. Adrian Borst has been named General Archivist for a three year term beginning 01/01/1998.

The other members of the Curia will continue their service. Fr. Andrea Tessarolo, Fr. Egidio Driedonkx, and Fr. André Perroux to the Centro Studi, Fr. Piet Adam as translator, Br. Ruggero Verbeet, Br. Abbondio Riva and Br. Marek Skorski who make their contributions in their respective sectors. There are also some lay assistants for certain logistic services.

4. The Community of Roma I

49. In recent years the community of the International Collegio "Leone Dehon" together with the General Curia, constituted a single community in every respect; this arrangement will continue until the conclusion of the academic year 1997-1998.

From September 1998, a new arrangement will be set in place. The General Curia has, in actual fact, responsibilities and tasks which are proper to it, different from those of the Collegio Internazionale, the rhythms and arrangements of which do not coincide with the rhythms and academic cycles of the Collegio. These needs are mitigated by the fraternal sharing and the international communion which characterize the community of Roma I.

The members of the Curia believe there is a need for a greater and more constant integration between the personal and the communitarian, something that results from times of common prayer and work, recreation and dining, for the sake of mutual knowledge and for the sake of working and living as a true team. It is our intention to experience a week of working and living together outside Rome every year.

5. General Archives

50. There are four archives in the General Curia: The Dehonian Archives require that we immediately find a system of preserving the originals. Putting as much as possible in computerized form according to the latest technology for easy consultation and wide use in the congregation is a concrete project that the General Administration would like to accomplish during this six year term.

6. Communications

51. Communications are taking place today with sophisticated technology: email to exchange messages, Internet to furnish information and documentation.

To facilitate the exchange of information and timely communication between the General Curia and the various provinces, regions, and territorial communities, we are asking the various curias, to the degree possible, to become equipped with email. The official email address of the General Curia is: secgen@scj.org. Each General Councilor has a personal email address. For communications requiring secrecy, we ask you to use the FAX number of the Secretary General: (06) 660-56-309.

To promote wider understanding of our congregation by the outside, the General Curia and several individual provinces already have their own "site" on the Internet. The site of the General Curia is: http://www.scj.org

We have committed the responsibility of following and developing this sector of communications to Fr. Cassidy. Assisted by a journalist, he will oversee providing news and dispatches for the various news agencies and communications networks.

7. International Meetings

52. 1998
03-13 November: meeting of provincial and regional superiors in Rome.
10-21 May: meeting of formation directors in Rome

June/July: ongoing formation in Italian in Poland

July/August: meeting of vocations directors at Taubaté (Brazil)

Mid May on: General Conference at a location to be set

09-13 October: meeting of the Dehonian Family in Rome.

June/July: ongoing formation in English at Malpas (England)

06-16 November: meeting of provincial and regional superiors in Rome

19-23 November: meeting of mission animators in Rome

date to be established: meeting of provincial and regional treasurers in Rome

Mid-May to Mid-June: General Chapter at Rome

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attentive to our real situation

under the sign of communion

the program

organization and services
