D e h o n i a n a

Anno XXVIII 1999/1



Centro Generale Studi SCJ


Rivista Quadrimestrale dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore

dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore

Anno XXVIII 1999/1


Centro Studi SCJ
Via Casale di S. Pio V, 20
I - 00165 Roma
E-mail: scjcuriagen@scj.org


Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva
Egidio Driedonkx
Rafael Gonçalves da Costa
André Perroux
Andrea Tessarolo
Hadrianus Wardjito


Andrea Tessarolo

Roma, Gennaio-Aprile 1999


1. Editoriale

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
2. Adrien Alphonse Rasset, scj

Lettre au novice Ernest J. Herr (1881)

IT - Il sacerdote Adriano Rasset (1843-1905) ed Ernesto Herr, giovane seminarista, erano stati consigliati entrambi, dal gesuita P. Modesto, di aderire al progetto di P. Dehon di fondare l'opera degli Oblati del S. Cuore. Rasset rispose positivamente e fu il primo novizio della Congregazione, mentre l'altro si orientò per la Compagnia di Gesù. Ma non essendo riuscito nel suo intento, il p. Modesto lo esortò di nuovo ad unirsi al P. Dehon (vedi lettera del 23.04.1880). E così dal mese di maggio 1880 a settembre 1881 lo troviamo "novizio" a S. Quintino. A lui, il 22.06.1881, anche il p. Rasset scrisse una lunga lettera (qui riportata), per aiutarlo nella sua scelta vocazionale. Ricorda alcuni eventi che egli ritiene "provvidenziali" e che, quindi, gli consentono di ritenere la Congregazione degli Oblati "un'opera soprannaturale". Questo testo ci fa conoscere qualcosa del "clima spirituale" che ha segnato gli inizi dell'Opera.

EN - Abbé Adrien Alphonse M. Rasset (1843-1905) and the seminarian Ernest Herr (1856-1929) were both advised by Fr. Modeste, S.J., to support the project for the Oblates of the Heart of Jesus which Fr. Dehon was in the process of founding. Abbé Rasset responded positively to this invitation and became the first novice of the Congregation; while Ernest Herr chose the Company of Jesus. However, since the seminarian had not succeeded in his chosen avenue, Fr. Modeste urged him once again to become "a holy Oblate of the Heart of Jesus... a vocation which is all love and immolation" (letter of April 23, 1880). It is thus that from May 1880 to September 1881 Ernest Herr was a "novice" at Saint Quentin. And it is to him, on June 22, 1881, that Fr. Rasset wrote this long letter with the aim of helping him in his choice of vocation. He revealed the events which characterized the beginnings of the Congregation, events which he considered "providential" and which led him to believe that the Work of the Oblates was "a supernatural work".

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

3. Mgr. Thomas Menamparampil

The Challenge of Cultures

IT - L'A. di questo articolo è l'arcivescovo di Guwahati, India, un paese nel quale da sempre convivono popolazioni di tradizioni religiose e culturali molto diverse: Egli ricorda che in antropologia il termine "cultura" non sta a indicare solo la letteratura e le "belle arti"; esso designa invece l'insieme dei valori, riti, costumi e tradizioni che definiscono l'identità di un popolo. Per questo possono diventare facilmente motivo di conflitti. Di qui la necessità di un forte impegno da parte di tutti per resistere alla facile tentazione dell'etnocentrismo.

FR - Auteur de cet article est l'archevêque catholique de Guwahati, Inde, pays dans lequel depuis toujours vivent ensamble des populations de religions et cultures très différentes. Or il ne faut pas oublier que le mot "culture" n'indique pas seulement la littérature et les beaux arts; il indique, au contraire, tout l'ensemble des valeurs, rites, moeurs, traditions qui caractérisent l'identité d'un peuple. Voilà autant de motifs à cause desquels il peut y avoir des conflits. D'où la nécessité d'une collaboration très engagée de tous les habitants d'une région pour repousser la tentation de l'ethnocentrisme.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
4. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

Cultura e inculturazione nel Sinodo dei Vescovi per l'Asia

FR - Le mois de Mai 1998 a eu lieu, à Rome, le Synode des Evêques pour l'Asie: un Continent avec plus que trois milliards d'habitants, et dans lequel les plus diverses traditions religieuse et culturelles se croisent. La présence des catholiques est mince; elle ne dépasse pas le 4%. Ces communautés, très petites, risquent donc de perdre leur identité, ou bien de paraître, dans ces pays, comme des "corps étrangers". Il est très important, pour ces groupes-là, de promouvoir une inculturation très engagée pour assurer soit l'originalité du message chrétien soit la possibilité du dialogue interréligieux. Tout cela explique l'ampleur que, dans le Synode Romain, on a donné précisément aux thèmes du dialogue interréligieux et à l'inculturation.

EN - In May 1998, in Rome, there was the meeting of the Synod of Bishops for Asia: a continent with more than three billion inhabitants, in which the most varied religious and cultural traditions cross each other's paths. The presence of Catholics is slight: not more than 4%. These communities therefore, which are very small, risk losing their identity or indeed to appear in these countries as if they were "foreign bodies". It is therefore very important for these groups to promote a very committed inculturation in order to insure both the originality of the Christian message and the possibility of interreligious dialogue. All this explains the large amount of time which was specifically given to the themes of interreligious dialogue and inculturation at the Roman Synod.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

5. Hadrianus Wardjito, scj

Inculturation as an Epiphany

IT - L'inculturazione vista come "metafora" dell'incarnazione, e come evento epifanico. Un cammino, cioè, che inizia incarnando e quasi nascondendo il messaggio nella pasta umana e storica di un popolo, ne assimila i tratti positivi, e quindi poi "si mostra" e viene proposto non più con i suoi "vestiti occidentali" ma attraverso forme e categorie nuove e comprensibili ai nuovi destinatari.

FR - L'inculturation, d'après l'Auteur de cet article, on pourrait l'interpréter comme "métaphore" d'une incarnation qui prépare et conduit à une "epiphanie". Il s'agit, en effet, d'un chemin pour parvenir, d'abord, à incarner et, d'une certaine manière, cacher le message dans la pâte humaine et historique d'un peuple, essayer d'en assimiler les traits positifs plus typiques, et ensuite reproposer ce même message, mais alors reformulé sous des catégories nouvelles et compréhensibles aux destinataires.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
6. Bernard Massera, scj

Prophétisme et communautés internationales

IT - Riflessione a partire dalla lettera del Padre Generale che aveva per tema le comunità profetiche. Qui l'A. sottolinea soprattutto l'affermazione che dice: "La vita religiosa entra in crisi e muore quando non è più aperta alle missioni lontane e ad gentes, quando non è né nel deserto, né alla periferia, né alle frontiere dell'umanità". Si tratta quindi di "uscire dalle sacrestie", di preferire posti difficili, aridi, che offrono poche gratificazioni, per diventare segno di un amore più grande. Queste realtà l'A. le vede in particolare nelle comunità internazionali, che dall'esterno possono essere giudicate negativamente e in termini di sofferenza, ma da coloro che ci vivono per amore del Vangelo vengono trasformate in motivo di gioia.

EN - This is a reflection which springs from the letter of the Father General which had the prophetic communities as its subject. In this article the author puts special emphasis on one affirmation: "The religious life enters into a crisis and dies when it is no longer open to the far-distant missions and ad gentes, when it is neither in the desert nor on the borders, nor on the frontiers of humanity". It is therefore a question of "coming out of the sacristy", of preferring the difficult and arid places which offer few satisfactions, and to do so in order to become the sign of a greater love. The author sees this reality particularly in the international communities which, when looked at from the outside, can be judged negatively and in terms of needing tolerance. However, those who live this reality, and do so for love of the Gospel, are able to transform it into a reason for joy.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
7. José de Bairos Braga, scj

Contemplazione e azione in Padre Dehon

FR - Dans cet article l'Auteur nous donne un résumé de sa recherche sur le thème: "contemplation et action" dans la vie spirituelle et apostolique du P. Dehon. C'est un sujet très intéressant, parce que sa recherche a été conduite en travaillant directement sur les écrits autobiographiques, quelquefois encore manuscrits, du Fondateur et, surtout, parce que l'Auteur a conclu sa recherche avec une synthèse finale très positive. Missionnaire en Madagascar, il est mort tout récemment très jeune.

EN - The author narrates that he decided to study this subject because of the fact that he found it surprising to see the way that Fr. Dehon knew how to integrate his intense apostolic activity with a spiritual interior life which was rich and profound. The subject is not tackled by examining the themes Fr. Dehon dwelt on, but rather by trying to catch the essence of his life in its environment and in its concrete context. The research begins from Fr. Dehon's most personal writings and follows him all through his life. This article arrived in our hands just a few weeks before the death of the author, the well loved Fr. José de Bairos Braga, who had studied the reflections of the Father Founder in view of the fact that he had been nominated for the position of novice master in Madagascar. The memory that still lives in all who met him is of his great demonstration of availability and of the intense spiritual life to which he gave witness.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

8. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, scj

¿Cómo ser buenos en Egipto o cómo salir de Egipto?

FR - Le N. 98/3 de "Dehoniana" avait abordé presque uniquement le problème des rapports entre économie et "royaume de Dieu". Un problème très vif et aussi très difficile. Mais voilà d'autres confrères qui désirent y revenir, en s'inspirant aux récits de la Bible, comme celui-ci, ou bien au mouvement oecuménique comme le suivant.

EN - N. 98/3 of "DEHONIANA" was occupied almost entirely with the issue of the relationship between the economy and the "Kingdom of God". It is a burning and very difficult problem. In this article we see that there are some brethren, inspired by situations in the Bible or by the ecumenical movement, as indeed the title indicates, who want to deal further with this problem.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
9. Fernando Rodríguez Garrapucho, scj

Reconciliación: don de Dios y fuente de vida nueva

FR - Cet article est un extrait d'une conférence que l'A. a prononcée au cours de la "Semana Ibérica" 1998. Il a étudié les documents de l'Assemblée oecuménique de Graz, et plus en détail les responsabilités et la mission des Eglises européennes vis-à-vis de l'économie et la justice sociale, condition préliminaire à tout discours sur la réconciliation. Et le thème même de la réconciliation y est envisagé non comme fruit uniquement de nos efforts humains, mais avant tout comme "don de Dieu et source d'une vie nouvelle".

EN - This article is an extract of a lecture which the author gave in the course of the "Semana Iberica" in 1998. He studied the documents of the Ecumenical Assembly of Graz, and in greater detail the responsibilities and the mission of European Churches vis-à-vis the economy and social justice; the study of which should be a preliminary condition to all discussion on reconciliation. We see that the very concept of reconciliation is not envisaged as solely the fruit of our human efforts but, before all, as a "gift of God and source of a new life".

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

10. Ezio Toller, scj

La nuova Provincia SCJ del Mozambico

FR - Le 14 mars 1998 le Conseil général a décidé l'érection canonique de la Province SCJ du Mozambique. Elle est la 23me de la Congrégation. Le 19 juin suivant, fête du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus, a eu lieu l'installation du nouveau Supérieur provincial. Pour l'occasion le p. Madella a édité une brochure pour faire mémoire des 50 années de la Mission, et le p. Toller a prononcé un discours pour tracer une synthèse du travail missionnaire et de ses fruits. Cette nouvelle Province peut compter sur 12 maisons et presque 70 confrères. Du discours prononcé par le p. Toller on donne ici un résumé.

EN - On March 14, 1998 the General Council decided on the canonical establishment of the S.C.J. Province of Mozambique. It is the Congregation's 23rd Province. On the following 19th of June, Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the new Provincial Superior was installed. In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mission a brochure was prepared, edited by Fr. Madella, and Fr. Toller gave a speech to give an outline of the missionary work and its fruits. This new Province can count upon 12 houses and almost 70 brethren. We present here a summary of Fr. Toller's speech.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
11. Compterendu du Comité

Fraternités scj en monde ouvrier

IT - "La grande avventura per l'evangelizzazione del mondo operaio" ha cambiato molte cose nella Chiesa. Poi è venuto anche il Vaticano II e l'esigenza di vivere la propria avventura umana con gli uomini del nostro tempo. Per le fraternità scj, poi, c'è stato il Capitolo del 1997 e quindi anch'esse hanno avvertito l'esigenza di una "verifica": ripercorrere la propria storia, valutare i cambiamenti avvenuti, prevedere e predisporre il cammino e le mete del prossimo futuro. Le Fraternità scj che in Francia vivono e operano nel contesto del mondo operaio hanno fatto tutto questo ad alta voce, mettendo poi nero su bianco, e in occasione dell'ultimo Capitolo generale lo hanno proposto alla considerazione dell'intera Famiglia Dehoniana.

EN - "The great adventure for the evangelization of the world of the worker" has changed many things in the Church. Then came Vatican II and the demand to live the human adventure itself with the men of our time. Then, for the S.C.J. Fraternities, there was the 1997 Chapter, and so they too felt the need for a "verification": to look back over their history, to evaluate the changes which have taken place, to anticipate and prepare the way and the goals for the near future. The S.C.J. Fraternities in France, which live and work in the world of the worker, have done this in a loud voice and have then put it down in black and white. On the occasion of the last General Chapter they proposed it for the consideration of the entire Dehonian Family.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
12. Congregazione per le Cause dei Santi

Il P. Antonio Vincenzo Gallo nel centenario della nascita

FR - Le 11 janvier de cette année 1999 on a célébré, à Rome, Basilique du Sacré-Coeur du Christ-Roi, le centenaire de la naissance du p. Antonio Vincenzo Gallo. On a profité de cette occasion pour rappeler son témoignage d'humilté et de dévouement apostolique, et proposer dans ce cahier de "Dehoniana", quelques extraits du décret par lequel la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints a reconnu l'héroïcité de ses vertus.

EN - One of the things which makes an impression on the life of a Congregation is the ever present memory of brethren who have stood out either because of the importance of the works they have achieved or for the sanctity of their life. Particularly dear, for us Dehonians, is the first member of the Dehonian Family, Fr. Antonio Vincenzo Gallo. The heroism of Fr. Gallo's virtues has been recognized and an opportunity to communicate this arose because of the fact that this very year marks the first centenary of his birth (1899 - January 11 - 1999). The best way to remember him has been to inform everybody of the text of the decree on the heroism of his virtues. It is a sober and succinct text which evokes both the historical context and the moral figure of our first "Servant of God".

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
13. Recensioni

IT - In questo quaderno di "Dehoniana" sono pubblicate tre recensioni:

1) Quella del quinto e ultimo volume delle Notes Quotidiennes del P. Dehon, un volume che copre gli anni dal 1911 al 1925, i più drammatici nel periodo della prima guerra mondiale e i più ricchi e stimolanti per chi voglia studiare l'interiorità del Fondatore nei suoi ultimi anni di vita.

2) Quella di una ricerca a cura del p. A. Ryder scj, dal titolo Inculturation and Mission, pubblicata nella collana "Analecta Dehoniana". Come viene indicato anche dal sottotitolo, si tratta di uno studio molto attento sull'evoluzione della teologia della missione dal Vaticano II fino ai nostri giorni.

3) Infine viene recensita anche la pubblicazione, molto più breve, di p. Bernard Bothe scj, che rievoca la figura e l'opera del p. Enrico Middendorf scj. Molti di noi lo abbiamo conosciuto e stimato quando era consigliere generale e, più ancora, al suo ritorno dalla missione di Kisangani, dopo la rivolta del 1964. La breve biografia qui ricordata, invece, descrive il suo coraggioso e generoso impegno a favore dei perseguitati del nazismo nel corso della seconda guerra mondiale.

FR - Dans ce cahier de "Dehoniana" nous avons publié trois récension:

1) D'abord celle concernant le cinquième et dernier volume des Notes Quotidiennes du P. Dehon, un volume qui couvre une période assez longue de la vie du Fondateur: de 1911 à 1925. On y voit la période très drammatique de la première guerre mondiale et, après cela, la période de ses dernières années de vie, très importantes pour connaître l'évolution de sa vie spirituelle.

2) En deuxième lieu, il y a la récension du livre du P. A. Ryder scj, intitulé Inculturation and Mission, édité dans la série "Analecta Dehoniana". Comme le sous-titre l'indique, il s'agit d'une recherche sur l'évolution de la théologie de la mission du Vatican II à nos jours.

3) Enfin on a la recension d'un petit livre du P. Bernard Bothe scj. C'est un historique sur les aides du P. Henri Middendorf scj aux Juifs persécutés par le Nazisme pendant la dernière guerre. Dans la suite le P. Middendorf a été d'abord conseiller général et, après-çà, missionnaire à Kisangani.

EN - The reviews of three publications are presented in this issue of "Dehoniana":

1) The fifth and last volume of Notes Quotidiennes (Daily Notes) of Fr. Dehon, a volume covering the years from 1911 to 1925, the most dramatic years of the period which included the First World War, and the richest and the most stimulating for those who wish to study the interior life of the Founder in his last years of life.

2) Another publication which deserves attention is a work of research by A. Ryder, entitled Inculturation and Mission. As is indicated in the subtitle this is a very careful study of the theology of the mission covering the period from Vatican II until the present time. It is with Vatican II, in fact, that one passed from a missionary activity which prevalently had an "apologetic" character, to a proclamation which was characterized above all as evangelization: translating the evangelical message and its respective values in forms and expressions which are truly within the grasp of the people that it is intended for; opening, in a particular way, to the new focus on the local Church and to an action of commitment to justice and liberation, as well as to the promotion of peoples.

3) Lastly, the much shorter volume by Fr. Bernard Bothe which recalls the figure and the work of Fr. Enrico Middendorf, S.C.J., is another publication which deserves to be recommended. Many of us knew and esteemed Fr. Middendorf when he was General Councilor and, again later, on his return from the mission in Kisangani after the revolt of 1964. The brief biography here, instead, describes his courageous and generous commitment in favor of the people who were persecuted by Nazism during the course of the Second World War.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian