D e h o n i a n a

Anno XXVIII 1999/2



Centro Studi SCJ - Roma


Rivista Quadrimestrale dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore

Anno XXVIII - 1999/2


Centro Studi SCJ
Via Casale di S. Pio V, 20
I - 00165 Roma
E-mail: scjcuriagen@scj.org


Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva
Egidio Driedonkx
Rafael Gonçalves da Costa
André Perroux
Andrea Tessarolo
Hadrianus Wardjito


Andrea Tessarolo

Roma, Maggio-Agosto 1999


1. Editoriale

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
2. Léon J. Dehon

Dévotion à la Sainte Trinité et Grand’Messe du Ciel

IT - Vengono proposti due testi, abbastanza noti, di p. Dehon: uno sulla sua devozione alla Santa Trinità e l’altro sulla pratica di unirsi spesso, in spirito, alla solenne S. Messa del Cielo. Due pratiche molto care al nostro ven. Fondatore e qui richiamate nello spirito del terzo anno di preparazione al grande Giubileo e anche al prossimo “Congresso Eucaristico internazionale”.

EN - Two fairly well known writings by Fr. Dehon are offered here: one on his devotion to the Holy Trinity and the other on the practice of uniting himself often, in spirit, with the solemn Holy Mass of Heaven. These two habits, very dear to our venerable Founder, are recalled here in the spirit of the third year of preparation for the great Jubilee and also for the next "International Eucharistic Congress".

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

3. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

La ricerca del volto di Dio

FR - C’est le thème proposé à la réflexion de toute l’Eglise pour cette troisième année, en préparation du Jubilé de l’an 2000. Il n’est pas difficile de proposer un petit mélange de textes bibliques pour exalter l’amour miséricordieux et toujours fidèle de Dieu envers nous. Le problème se pose quand on lit des anathèmes au nom de Dieu même dans la Bible, ou bien quand on voit des gens tout à fait innocents, accablés par la souffrance. Il n’est pas facile de conjuguer de telles situations avec l’annonce d’un Dieu/Amour. Il nous faut une foi vraiment très profonde vis-à-vis d’un tel mystère.

EN - This is the theme proposed for reflection by the entire Church for this third year in preparation for the Jubilee of the year 2000. It is not difficult to propose a little mixture of biblical texts to exalt the merciful and ever faithful love which God has for us. The problem arises when one reads of the anathemas proclaimed in the name of God, even in the Bible, or when one sees completely innocent people being crushed by suffering. It is not easy to wed such situations with the proclamation of God/Love. We need a truly deep faith regarding such a mystery.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
4. Diego Carminati

Nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito

FR - C’est une réflexion sur la façon d’aborder le mystère de la Sainte Trinité comme paradigme d’une vie chrétienne à la lumière du charisme dehonien. De la personne du Père relèvent la socialité, la gratuité, la réconciliation; de la personne du Fils, la mission d’être signe, annonce, témoignage; de la personne du Saint-Esprit, l’amour de charité, et donc une parole qui se fait geste, communication, solidarité.

EN - This is a reflection on the way to approach the mystery of the Holy Trinity as a paradigm of a Christian life in the light of the Dehonian charism. From the person of the Father comes social equality, free-givingness, reconciliation; from the person of the Son comes the mission: to be sign, annunciation and witness; from the person of the Holy Spirit comes the love of charity and, therefore, Word which becomes action, communion, commitment, solidarity.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
5. Eduardo Perales Pons, scj

La Imagen de Dios en la Congregación de los Sacerdotes del Corazón de Jesús

IT - L’A. inizia proponendo una raccolta di testi, sia della Scrittura che della nostra Regola di Vita, su tre temi: 1. Dio è amore; 2. L’esperienza di Dio/Amore in P. Dehon; 3. L’esperienza di Dio/Amore nei religiosi SCJ. Segue poi una serie di riflessioni come: “Abbiamo creduto all’amore”; Cristo icona dell’amore del Padre; il dono di un cuore nuovo; il peccato visto come ostacolo all’amore del Padre e causa di tanti mali anche nella società... E infine il nostro impegno ad accogliere l’amore redentore e a vivere la riconciliazione.

EN - The author starts by proposing a collection of texts, both from the Scriptures and from our Rule of Life, on three themes: 1. God is love; 2. The experience of God/Love in Fr. Dehon; 3. The experience of God/Love in the S.C.J. religious. There follows then a series of reflections such as: "We believed in love"; Christ, icon of the love of the Father; the gift of a new heart; sin, seen as an obstacle to the love of the Father and as the cause of many ills, also in society... And, lastly, our commitment to receive redeeming love and to live reconciliation.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

6. Giuliana Martirani

Beati gli ultimi perché avranno un futuro

FR - Dans la forme actuelle du capitalisme sauvage, celui du libre marché, qui autorise l’enrichissement rapide des pays capitalistes et l’appauvrissement des autres, l’A. voit homologuée la loi du plus “fort”, et donc le principe de l’egoïsme individuel ou du groupe, avec la mise en marge des sujets plus faibles. D’où son pressant appel pour que tout le monde prenne conscience d’un tel problème et s’achemine “dans la direction d’un futur soutenable et humain”.

EN - In the current form of wild capitalism, that of the free-market, which authorizes the rapid enrichment of capitalist countries and the impoverishment of the others, the author sees the confirmation of the fact that the law of the "strongest", and therefore the principle of individual or group egoism, goes hand in hand with the marginalization of the weakest. Hence her pressing appeal that all the world should become aware of such a problem and should set themselves on the path which will lead us "in the direction of a sustainable and human future".

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
7. Giovanni Bazoli

Economia e testimonianza cristiana

FR - L’A. est assez connu en Italie. Il nous rappelle les difficultés d’un entrepreneur chrétien qui doit assurer le futur de son entreprise et, en même temps, honorer le principe chrétien de la solidarité; et tout cela à l’intérieur d’un monde qui n’obéit qu’à la loi du profit et du libre marché, et donc tout à fait libre de concurrencer les plus faibles. Très sensible à ces différents aspects du problème, l’A. indique les modalités et les secteurs dans lesquels les chrétiens (et l’Eglise aussi) pourraient et devraient être davantage engagés.

EN - This author is quite well known in Italy. He reminds us of the difficulties of a Christian entrepreneur who must insure the future of his enterprise and at the same time honor the Christian principle of solidarity. And he must do this all within a world which, since it only obeys the law of profit and of the free-market, considers itself free to compete with the weakest. The author, who is very sensitive to the many different aspects of the problem, indicates the ways and the sectors in which Christians (and the Church too) could and should be further committed.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
8. Adam Wloch, scj

La pastorale scj presso l’Istituto pediatrico di Cracovia

FR - Divers confrères polonais scj sont engagés dans la pastorale des malades. Ici nous désirons signaler seulement l’activité du P. Lucjan. Il est entré dans la Congrégation déjà medecin. Depuis 1995 il est responsable de la pastorale dans l’Institut pédiatrique de Cracovie, c’est-à-dire: 500 petits enfants, handicapés physiques ou psychiques; 1700 responsables de la gestion de l’Institut; et tous les gens qui viennent pour visiter ou pour assister les enfants malades. C’est un exemple de dévouement remarquable.

EN - Various Polish S.C.J. brethren are engaged in the ministry of the sick. Here we would like to mention only the activity of Fr. Lucjan. He was already a doctor when he joined the Congregation. Since 1995 he has been responsible for the ministry in the Pediatric Institute of Cracow, that is to say: 600 little children, physically or mentally handicapped; 1,700 hospital staff; and all the people who come to visit or to help the sick children. This is a remarkable example of devotion.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

9. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

Incontro del Direttivo generale con i Superiori maggiori dell’Istituto

FR - Cette rencontre a eu lieu à Rome de 3 à 13 novembre 1998. Dans son introduction le P. Général, Virginio Bressanelli, a souligné le sens et l’importance du fait de “se trouver ensemble”, pour se connaître davantage et promouvoir l’entraide mutuelle, et aussi pour évaluer avec le Conseil général les problèmes et les projets avancés par le Chapitre général. Et c’est sur la base de ces évaluations que le Conseil général, vers la fin du mois de décembre, a fait ses choix.

EN - This meeting took place in Rome from the 3rd to the 13th of November 1998. In his introduction the Fr. General, Virginio Bressanelli, emphasized the meaning and the importance of the fact of "being together" to get to know each other better and to promote mutual aid, as well as to evaluate, with the General Council, the problems and the projects proposed by the General Chapter. And, it is also on the basis of these evaluations that the General Council, towards the end of December, made its choices.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
10. Umberto Chiarello, scj

75° della presenza dehoniana in Sud Dakota

FR - Cette célébration a eu lieu à Lower Brule le 15 septembre et à Eagle Butte deux jours après, avec une nombreuse participation de confrères scj et du peuple. Parmi les participants on peut signaler les provinciaux des US et de l’Allemagne. Le P. Chiarello, assistant général, y a représenté le p. Général et, par après, il a rédigé lui-même cette notice. Il souligne les aspects les plus typiques du travail missionnaire des SCJ, soucieux de la promotion religieuse mais aussi humaine et culturelle des Natifs de cette région.

EN - This celebration, which took place in Lower Brule on September 15th and in Eagle Butte two days later, enjoyed the plentiful participation both of the S.C.J. brethren and of the local people. Among the participants, one can mention the Provincials of the USA and of Germany. It was Fr. Chiarello, assistant General, who represented the Fr. General and who later drafted this article. He emphasized the most typical aspects of the work of the S.C.J. missionaries, attentive to the religious but also to the human and cultural promotion of the indigenous population of this region.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
11. Comissão J&P de BM

A comunidade de Bethânia

IT - La Comunità accoglie giovani drogati e minori abbandonati, offrendo gratuitamente vitto e alloggio, oltre alle cure di base per la salute e l’igiene. Responsabili dell’accompagnamento quotidiano sono persone consacrate che volontariamente accettano di vivere nella comunità senza alcun vincolo impiegatizio. La comunità vuole essere un luogo d’incontro, di fraternità, per persone così bisognose di aiuto e anche di affetto. Il titolo vorrebbe non solo ricordare, ma anche far rivivere il clima di intimità e di amicizia, sperimentato tante volte da Gesù, appunto a Betania.

EN - This community receives young drug addicts and abandoned minors and offers free board and lodging as well as the basic needs for health and hygiene. Consecrated people, who voluntarily accept to live in the community without being officially employed, are responsible for looking after these people. The community aims to be a place where people, who have such a great need of help and also of affection, can find a place both of meeting and of fraternity. The title aims not only to recall but also to re-enliven the atmosphere of intimacy and friendship which Jesus experienced so many times, precisely in Bethany.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
12. Hadrianus Wardjito, scj

Vocation and Mission of SCJ in India

IT - Questo articolo intende ripercorrere i primi cinque anni di presenza scj in India e descrivere la situazione attuale. Vengono ricordati gli inizi un po’ atipici della prima comunità, di carattere internazionale, e i suoi rapporti con la Chiesa locale. Nella seconda parte invece viene esposto il programma che i confratelli presenti in India si sono dati, sia come vita comunitaria sia come impegno pastorale.

FR - Dans cet article l’Auteur entend décrire les cinq premières années des SCJ en Inde et leur situation actuelle. Il y rappelle les débuts un peu a-typiques de la première communauté, de caractère international, et ses rapports avec l’Eglise locale. Dans la seconde partie il expose le programme que ces confrères se sont donné pour leur vie communautaire et leur engagement pastoral.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

IT - In questo quaderno vengono pubblicate due recensioni: la prima per presentare il volume Le Coeur du Christ pour un monde nouveau, che contiene gli “atti” di un convegno sulla spiritualità del Cuore di Gesù nei diversi istituti e movimenti cristiani collegati con Paray-le-Monial; il volume contiene anche un articolo sulla figura e sull’esperienza spirituale di P. Dehon in questo campo. Una seconda recensione invece presenta il volume Etica y Economía: Economía de mercado, neoliberalismo y ética de la gratuidad. Tratta in modo molto originale il tema “Economia e Regno di Dio” cui sarà dedicata anche la nostra prossima Conferenza generale.

FR - Dans ce cahier deux récensions sont publiées. 1. D’abord pour le volume: Le Coeur du Christ pour un monde nouveau, où sont publiés les “actes” d’un congrès qui a été célébré à Paray-le-Monial, concernant la spiritualité du Coeur du Christ dans divers Instituts et mouvements qui s’inspirent au message de Paray-le-Monial; il y a aussi un article très intéressant concernant l’expérience spirituelle du P. Dehon. 2. Le deuxième volume est intitulé: Etica y Economía: Economía de mercado, neoliberalismo y ética de la gratuidad. C’est une exposition très originale du thème “Economie et Règne de Dieu”, le même donc qui est proposé pour noutre prochaine Conférence générale.

EN - In this issue two reviews are published: the first is in order to introduce the volume Le Coeur du Christ pour un monde nouveau (The Heart of Christ For a New World), which contains the "acts" of a Congress, held in Paray-le-Monial, concerning the spirituality of the Heart of Christ in the various institutes and movements which have been inspired by the message of Paray-le-Monial; and also contains a very interesting article concerning Fr. Dehon's spiritual experience. The second Volume is entitled Etica y economía: Economía de mercado, Neoliberalismo y ética de la gratuidad (Ethics and Economy: Market Economy and the Ethics of Free-giving). This is a very original exposition on the theme "Economy and the Kingdom of God"; which is the same theme proposed for our next General Conference.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian