D e h o n i a n a

Anno XXVIII 1999/3


Rivista Quadrimestrale dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore
Anno XXVIII 1999/3


Centro Studi SCJ
Via Casale di S. Pio V, 20
I - 00165 Roma
E-mail: scjcuriagen@scj.org


Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva
Egidio Driedonkx
Rafael Gonçalves da Costa
André Perroux
Andrea Tessarolo
Hadrianus Wardjito


Andrea Tessarolo

Roma, Settembre-Dicembre 1999


1. Editoriale

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
2. Giovanni Paolo II

Il Cuore di Cristo, cuore della Chiesa

FR - On a célébré, cette année, le centenaire de la consécration du genre humain au Sacré-Coeur de Jésus (1899-1999). Cette célébration a donnée à Jean Paul II l'opportunité d'envoyer à toute l'Eglise un "message" pour souligner l'importance et l'actualité du culte au S. Coeur: un culte par lequel, dit le Saint-Père, l'Eglise veut annoncer surtout la miséricorde de Dieu pour les hommes. Ainsi, la nouvelle évangélisation, à la lumière du Coeur transpercé du Sauveur, doit faire comprendre à tout le monde que le christianisme est la religion de l'amour.

EN - This year saw the celebration of the centenary of the consecration of the human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1899-1999). This celebration gave John Paul II the opportunity to send a "message" to the entire Church in order to emphasize the importance and the topicality of the cult of the Sacred Heart: a cult through which, said the Holy Father, the Church aims to proclaim, above all, God's mercy towards men. Indeed, the task of the new evangelization, in the light of the pierced Heart of the Savior, is to make the world understand that Christianity is the religion of love.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
3. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

Come il P. Dehon ha accolto l'enciclica "Annum Sacrum"

FR - Dans l'année de la publication de l'encyclique Annum Sacrum et de la consécration du genre humain au Sacré-Coeur (1899), le p. Dehon était en pleine activité (conférences romaines; publications de livres comme le Mois de Marie, ou le Mois du Sacré-Coeur, et la publication mensuelle du périodique Le Règne). Mais surtout il était un apôtre très fervent du culte au Sacré-Coeur. D'où la question: comment a-t-il accueilli l'encyclique Annum Sacrum de Léon XIII?

EN - In the year of the publication of the encyclical "Annum Sacrum" and of the consecration of the human race to the Sacred Heart (1899), Fr. Dehon was at the height of his activities: meetings in Rome, publication of books like The Month of Mary or The Month of the Sacred Heart, and putting out the monthly publication of the periodical Le Regne (The Kingdom). But, above all, he was an extremely fervent apostle of the cult of the Sacred Heart. Hence the question: how did he react to Leo XIII's encyclical "Annum Sacrum"?

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

4. Vincenzo Percassi (comb.)

La comunità religiosa, riflesso e realizzazione dell'amore del Padre

FR - Le Saint-Père Jean Paul II a invité toute l'Eglise à vivre cette année préparatoire du Grand Jubilé en soulignant le rôle du Père Céleste dans son projet pour le salut du monde. En effet tout procède de Lui, et vers Lui tout converge. En Lui, donc, les hommes sont appelés à vivre comme "frères". Cet appel à la fraternité concerne plus directement la communauté religieuse, engagée à témoigner l'idéal évangélique de l'amour. Il est donc important, pour toute communauté religieuse, malgré ses imperfections, essayer de se qualifier comme reflet et réalisation humaine de l'amour du Père céleste.

EN - The Holy Father, John Paul II, has invited the entire Church to live this preparatory year for the Great Jubilee by emphasizing the role of the Heavenly Father in His plan for the salvation of the world. In effect everything proceeds from Him and everything converges towards Him. In Him, therefore, men are called to live as "brothers". This appeal for fraternity is of special significance for the religious community, committed as they are to bear witness to the evangelical idea of love. It is therefore important for every religious community, in spite of its imperfections, to endeavor to become the reflection and the human achievement of the love of the Heavenly Father.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

5. Virginio Bressanelli, scj

Le scelte formative SCJ del presente sessennio

FR - Du 10 au 25 mai 1999 a eu lieu, à Rome, une rencontre internationale des formateurs scj. Le P. Général Virginio Bressanelli a profité de cette occasion pour exposer les choix que le Conseil général s'est proposés dans le domaine de la formation. Elle doit être poursuivie, a souligné le P. Général, dans un contexte de foi théologale et dans la perspective de la mission scj. Il s'agit d'un chemin qui exige la collaboration de beaucoup de gens pour accompagner, discerner et témoigner les valeurs que l'on désire proposer. Et l'agent principal, même dans la formation, est le Saint-Esprit.

EN - From May 10 to May 25,1999, the International Meeting of S.C.J. Formation Directors was held in Rome. Fr. Virginio Bressanelli took advantage of this occasion to present the choices which the General Council proposed in the realm of formation. This must be pursued, the Fr. General emphasized, in a context of theological faith and within the perspective of the S.C.J. mission. It is a road which demands the collaboration of many people to accompany, discern, and bear witness to the values which one desires to propose. And the principal agent, even in formation, is the Holy Spirit.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
6. Wilhelmus van Paassen, scj

Economy and Kingdom of God

IT - È il tema che l'ultimo Capitolo ha proposto per la prossima Conferenza generale. Però va trattato non a livello teorico, ma mirando alle conseguenze pratiche che esso comporta per le nostre comunità. Da qui l'importanza di approfondire il concetto evangelico di Regno di Dio, il suo aspetto escatologico, ma anche la necessità che esso venga incarnato nella vita dei credenti e delle comunità cristiane attraverso forme visibili e credibili di accoglienza, di riconciliazione e di solidarietà. Il discorso in questo articolo, come si vedrà, non è solo teorico.

FR - C'est le thème choisi pour la Conférence générale de l'année prochaine. Il faudra l'aborder non pas uniquement au niveau théorique, mais plutôt en vue des conséquences pratiques qui en découlent pour nos communautés. D'où l'importance d'approfondir le message évangélique du Royaume de Dieu et son aspect eschatologique. Seulement à cette condition nos communautés pourront s'engager à l'incarner en de formes authentiques d'accueil, de réconciliation et de solidarité. L'exposé de cet article, on pourra le constater, n'est pas seulement théorique.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
7. Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva, scj

Reconciliação como missão

IT - Il tema della riconciliazione è stato proposto come essenziale per l'anno giubilare del 2000; ma appare essenziale anche al nostro carisma scj. Qui l'Autore espone l'uso e il significato che ha questo termine sia nell'AT (poco presente), sia soprattutto negli scritti di S. Paolo, dove invece riveste un ruolo essenziale.

EN - The theme of reconciliation is proposed as an essential one for the Jubilee Year 2000, but it also appears essential for our S.C.J. charism. Here the author presents the use and the meaning which this term has, both in the Old Testament (not very often) and above all in the writings of St. Paul where it plays an essential role.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

8. Francesco Mazzotta, scj

L'incontro internazionale SCJ dei Formatori

FR - Le mois de mai 1999, à l'occasion de la rencontre des formateurs scj, le P. Général a exposé les objectifs de cette rencontre. D'autres experts ont illustré surtout la nature et les buts de la médiation des formateurs, médiation qui a été résumée par les trois mots: éduquer, former, accompagner.

EN - During the month of May, 1999, at the International Meeting of S.C.J. Formation Directors, the Fr. General explained what the objectives of the meeting were. Other experts mostly illustrated the nature and the objectives of the mediation of the formation directors, a mediation which was summed up in three words: educate, form, accompany.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
9. Mario Bosio, scj - Michele Bulmetti, scj (+)

Una presenza SCJ in Albania

FR - Un des deux confrères qui avait rédigé cet article, le p. Michele Bulmetti, est décédé avant la publication de ce cahier de Dehoniana. Après quelques années en Madagascar, il était rentré en Italie à cause de sa santé. Après la chute du gouvernement communiste il est allé en Albanie, connaissant leur langue, pour aider les communautés chrétiennes à renaître. Ses derniers jours il s'est donné sans mesure pour aider les réfugiés du Kosovo. La publication de cet article vise à faire mémoire de son dévouement pour tous les pauvres de n'importe quel pays ou ethnie ou religion.

EN - One of the two brethren who had drafted this article, Fr. Michele Bulmetti, died just before the publication of this issue of Dehoniana. After several years in Madagascar he had returned to Italy for health reasons. After the fall of the Communist government he went to Albania, since he knew the language, to help the Christian communities to flourish again. During his last days he gave himself without measure to help the refugees from Cosovo. The publication of this article in Dehoniana is intended to be a memorial to his devotion to the poor of any country or culture or religion.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
10. Osnildo Carlos Klann, scj

Il corso di formazione permanente in Polonia

FR - Organisé en Pologne, mais en langue italienne, le cours international de formation permanente de cette année a été jugé très positif par les participants: non peut-être, pour les thèmes qui ont été abordés, mais certainement pour les provocations suscitées en nous, par la visite de certains endroits de mort comme Auschwitz, ou bien par certains témoignages, très émouvants, de charité ou de dévouement de confrères qui vivent pauvres parmi des pauvres, pour témoigner l'Evangile.

EN - Organized in Poland, but in the Italian language, this year's international course for permanent formation was considered very positive by the participants: for the very cordial welcome given by the Polish brethren, and above all, for the emotion we felt when we visited certain places of death such as Auschwitz or, indeed, for the particular and extremely moving testimonies of the charity and devotion of brethren who lived as poor people amidst the poor in order to bring their witness of the Gospel to the whole world.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
11. N.d.R.

Le prime professioni in India e nelle Filippine

FR - La première profession des deux premiers candidats aux Indes, et le même mois dans les Philippines, est un événement important pour l'histoire de la Congrégation. La profession a eu lieu respectivement le 1er et le 31 mai 1999; et à cette même date ont été constitués les districts de l'Inde et des Philippines.

EN - The first profession of two candidates from India and another two from the Philippines happened on the 1st and 31st of May 1999. These will also be important dates for the history of the Congregation because they are when the respective territories of India and the Philippines were constituted as Districts, from the administrative point of view: they are, therefore, two days which mark the beginning of a meaningful presence of the Congregation in the continent of Asia.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

12. Xavier López Andoño, scj

Los cristianos de S. Tomas en India desde las orígenes hasta el siglo XVI

IT - Questo articolo fa seguito a quello pubblicato su Dehoniana 96/3, ed è stato proposto per farci comprendere le caratteristiche e i problemi che incontrano i nostri confratelli che si trovano in quella nazione. L'Autore dell'articolo spiega l'origine e il significato dell'espressione "cristiani di S. Tommaso"; accenna brevemente alla prima penetrazione del vangelo in Asia e al ruolo che hanno svolto in seguito i missionari portoghesi, con le prime difficoltà dovute al poco rispetto per la cultura e le tradizioni locali, mentre molto diverso è stato il contegno di S. Francesco Saverio.

EN - This article is a sequel to the one published in Dehoniana 96/3 and was suggested to make us understand the characteristics and the problems which our brethren in India have to face. The author of the article explains the origin and the meaning of the expression "Christians of St. Thomas". He briefly mentions the first penetration of the Gospel in Asia and the role which the Portuguese missionaries subsequently performed, noting that with the first difficulties were based on an insufficient respect for local culture and traditions. We will see, however, that the demeanor of St. Francis Xaviar was very different.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
13. Antoine Werlen, scj

L'itinéraire humain et spirituel du P. Dehon d'après les rythmes de l'évolution mentale

IT - Si tratta di una ricerca (testo dattiloscritto) sull'evoluzione mentale che, secondo l'Autore, è condizionata dal succedersi dei ritmi del cosmo e della storia universale, ma anche delle stagioni e della stessa età del soggetto. Per cui la sua evoluzione si può, in qualche modo, determinare scientificamente. Richiesto di come egli abbia potuto applicare questa teoria all'itinerario spirituale di p. Dehon, l'Autore ci ha risposto inviandoci il presente articolo.

EN - This is a research (typed text) on mental evolution, which, according to the author, follows precisely determined rhythms that are not only linked to the history of humanity and the universe, but also to the age of people and to the seasons of the year; they can, therefore, be determined scientifically. In response to our request that he explain both the method that he followed and it's scientific bases in more detail, he sent us the article which we present in this issue.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
14. Paul Verschuren, scj

Sandali vecchi e sandali nuovi

FR - C'est le titre de la lettre par laquelle Mgr. Verschuren annonça sa démission comme évêque de Helsinki. Il nous rappelle les sandales que Moïse dans le désert a dû quitter en face du mystère divin, et, aussi, les sandales nouvelles que l'enfant prodigue reçut pour pouvoir rentrer dans la maison paternelle: une image pour nous dire qu'il faut avoir des sandalles nouvelles pour entrer dans la vie éternelle.

EN - This was the title of the letter with which Msgr. Verschuren announced his resignation as Bishop of Helsinki. He reminds us first of the sandals which Moses, in the desert, had to take off when he was face to face with the divine mystery; then he writes of the new sandals which the prodigal son received in order to be able to re-enter his father's house. The aim of his letter is to tell us that one must have new sandals in order to enter eternal life.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
15. Andrew Ryder, scj

What will happen in the Year 2000?

IT - Il traguardo del 2000 segna il passaggio non da un secolo all'altro, ma dal secondo al terzo millennio. Un traguardo verso il quale tutti guardiamo con sentimenti che sono insieme di timore e di speranza. In questo contributo l'Autore si interroga sulle sfide e sulle speranze, in particolare, dell'Irlanda e anche dei Dehoniani in Irlanda.

FR - Tout le monde regarde vers l'année 2000 avec un mélange de peur et d'espoir, parce que c'est l'année du Grand Jubilé, l'année qui marque le passage du deuxième au troisième millénaire chrétien. Dans cet article, après un coup d'oeil sur la situation générale, l'Auteur analyse surtout les défis et les chances pour les Prêtres du S. Coeur surtout en Irelande.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian