D e h o n i a n a

Anno XXIX 2000/1



Centro Studi SCJ - Roma


Rivista Quadrimestrale dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore

Anno XXIX - 2000/1


Centro Studi SCJ
Via Casale di S. Pio V, 20
I - 00165 Roma
E-mail: scjcuriagen@scj.org


Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva
Egidio Driedonkx
Rafael Gonçalves da Costa
André Perroux
Andrea Tessarolo
Hadrianus Wardjito


Andrea Tessarolo

Roma, Gennaio-Aprile 2000


1. Editoriale

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

Un Apôtre des temps modernes: Léon Dehon

IT - Testo sulla figura e la spiritualità del P. Dehon. È anonimo, ma elaborato con particolare impegno díamore. Viene distribuito a s. Quintino nella chiesa di S. Martino dove riposa la salma del P. Dehon, per far conoscere appunto la sua persona, la sua opera, la sua spiritualità.

EN - An article on the figure and the spirituality of Fr. Dehon. It is anonymous but it is prepared with a particularly loving commitment. It is distribuited in the church of St. Martin in Saint Quentin, where Fr. Dehonís mortal remains repose, in order to inform people about his persona, his work and his spirituality.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

3. Giovanni Paolo II

Heart of Jesus, our Peace and Reconciliation

IT - Omelia che il Papa ha pronunciato a Torun (Polonia) il 7 giugno 1999, durante la cerimonia per la beatificazione di Stefano Vincenzo Frelichowski, sacerdote morto giovane nel 1945, perché contagiato dal tifo per il lavoro pastorale che svolgeva nel campo di concentramento di Dachau. È un forte richiamo sulla necessità dellíìeducazione alla paceî, educazione che chiama in causa catechisti, genitori, educatore e líintera società.
FR - Homelie que le Pope a prononcé à Torun (Pologne) le 7 juin 1999, à líoccasion de la béatification díEtienne Vincent Frelishowski, un prêtre qui est mort très jeune de typhus dans le camp de concentration de Dachau. Il souligne avec force la nécessité díune éducation à la paix, en famille, à líécole, dans líéglise et dans la société.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian


4. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

Laici e laicità nella Chiesa e nel mondo

FR - Ce cahier de ìDehonianaî est consacré presque entièrement aux rapports entre religieux et laïcs. Il est utile donc de voir ensemble, díabord, la notion de ìlaicitéî dans la société et dans líÉglise et, ensuite, líévolution du röle des laïcs dans sa double appartenance: à la sécolarité en tant que citoyen, et à líÉglise en tant que baptisé. Et exposer dans quels sens il est appelé, en tant que baptisé, à partager à toute la mission de líEglise.

EN - After some references regarding the value of the laity - unserstood as a free, responsible and coherent choice in life - the ìconditionî of the laity in todayís Church is presented. Lay people are defined by the fact that they belong, simultaneously, to the Church and to the secular life; this is why they are called to share the mission of the Church with full rights. Naturally this will be done in a spirit of dialogue and collaboration with the other workers of the community.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
5. Antonio Ascenzo (Congr. Don Orione)

Religiosi e laici: condivisione del carisma

FR - Le problème des rapports entre religieux et laïcsm dans cet article, est exposé par A. Ascenzo, de la Congrégation de ìDon Orioneî (congrégation de la Charité), un institut qui a abordé ce problème déjà à partir de 1990. LíAuteur expose, díabord, la perspective díune ecclesiologie de communion. Dans cette perspective, tout charisme dans líÉglise est pour toute líÉglise. Et donc les religieux doivent non seulement vivre et tèmoigner leur charisme, mais aussi le partager. Il expose alors le chemin que les religieux de son Institut sout en train de parcourir pour parvenir à partager leur charisme (le charisme de la charité) avec les laïcs dans toutes leurs oeuvres.

EN - In this article we give the word to Don Ascenzo, presenting some extracts of the report he gave to a joint meeting of the Councilors and the General Coucilor. After clarifying certain principles of ecclesiology, he describes the experience his Congregation, working with the Orione lay movement, has gained in this field. It is well know that the specific charism of the Work of Don Orione is to bear witness to charity, a favored concern of Christian voluntary work. This will explain, at least in part, the extremely positive success of their experience.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
6. Commissioni di Spiritualità IS

Noi Religiosi SCJ e i laici nella Chiesa

FR - On entend souvent répéter que líÉglise du 2000 sera ìdes laïcsî. Il faudra alors préciser davantage le sens díune telle affirmation, et surtout inventer des formes de partage et de collaboration dans lesquelles la dignité et les charismes des religieux et des laïcs soient toujours réciproquement reconnus et valorisés par tout le monde.

EN - There is a widespread conviction that the Church in the year 2000 will be ìof the laityî, and that they will increasing be coresponsible for the solution of all the problems of the Community. For this reason, alongside the commitment to develop forms of ìsharingî the charism, it is necessary also to promote a generalized style of collaboration between clergy and laity. This is a deeply felt need but so far little has been done to lead us in this direction.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian


7. Egidio Driedonkx, scj

Historia de la Associación reparadora durante la vida del P. Dehon

IT - Fin dallíinizio il P. Dehon, accanto alla Congregazione, ha cercato di riunire laici, uomini e donne, per partecipare anche a loro il suo progetto di far conoscere e diffondere líamore del Cuore di Gesù nei cuori e nelle società. Diverse le iniziative che vengono segnalate in questo articolo per il periodo che va dal 1878 al 1925.

EN - Since the beginning Fr. Dehon, alongside the Congregation, sought to unite lay men and women to participate in his plan to make know and spread the love of the Heart of Jesus in hearts and in society. Various initiatives are indicated in this article, coming from the period 1878 to 1925.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
8. Oliviero Giuseppe Girardi, scj

Dai Laici Dehoniani alla ìFamiglia Dehonianaî

FR - Exposé historique très succint sur le partage du charisme entre SCJ et laïcs. LíAuteur distingue trois étapes: 1. de 1878 à 1925 (le Père Dehon vivant); 2. de 1926 à 1962 (interventions des Supérieurs généraux); 3. de 1963 jusquíà nos jours: renouveau conciliare et passage à líexpression ìFamille Dehonienneî.

EN - This is a brief, historical summary of the period from 1978 to today. After a note regarding its sources, the article is divided into three parts: 1. the period from the beginning to the death of Fr. Dehon (1878-1925); 2. the period from 1926 to 1962 (with the intervention of the Superiors General); 3. from 1963 on, which tells of the renewal called for by Vatican II and the beginning of the expression ìDehonian Familyî.

Typical - English - Portuguese- Italian
9. Hadrianus Wardjito, scj

Some Notes for the Formation of Dehonian Laity

IT - Precisato che la formazione cristiana ha come obiettivo raggiungere la perfezione della carità, vengono indicate queste tappe: il discepolato, che devíessere ìimitazione di Cristoî; il cristocentrismo, cioè lasciarsi guidare in tutto dallo Spirito di Cristo; poi la formazione alla dimensione ecclesiale della vita di grazia; e, infine, la vita sacramentale, che alimenta sia líimpegno della carità sia la prospettiva cattolica dellíuniversalità.

FR - Après avoir rappelé que notre formation vise à atteindre la perfection de la charité, líAuteur énumère ces étapes: être disciple du Christ en imitant ses vertus; être animé par son Esprit; la vie ecclésiale et sacramentaire; engagement de charité et vision de foi universelle, catholique.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

10. Umberto Chiarello, scj

Una vita consacrata aperta ai laici

FR - Plusiers Congrégations déjà ont donné des indications et élaboré un projet pour le partage de leur charisme au laïcs. Il est certainement utiles donc pour nous prendre vision de ces expériences et en connaître les résultats, qui ont été illustrés tout récemment dans une réunion organisée à Rome par líUnion des Supérieurs Généraux.

EN - In the feature ìexperiencesî we present these reflections of which the recent meeting of the Superiors General was the stimulus. The meeting was dedicated to the theme of ìsharing the charismî. The article is a collection of the differing experiences lived by various Congregations and, naturally, their very different outcomes.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

Verso un profilo del laico dehoniano

IT - Come in altri Istituti, così anche nella nostra Congregazioe non tutto è già perfettamente chiaro. Si stanno facendo esperienze diverse. Si intentano nuovi cammini. Qui anticipiamo due brevi interventi. Una esposizione panoramica più completa potrà emergere dal convegno della Famiglia Dehoniana del prossimo ottobre.

EN - Here we have two short articles by the ìDehonian Laityî of both BM and CM. They indicate the various situations and the sensitive points.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
12. Anthony Russo, scj

SCJ Family Associates in US

IT - Il cammino intrapreso dai nostri confratelli della Provincia Nord Americana, per la condivisione del nostro carisma con i laici, sembra seguire un cammino originale. Difatti sono orientati a promuovere soprattutto la ìcollaborazioneî alle opere apostoliche della Provincia. Una collaborazione che certo presuppone anche la condivisione degli scopi e dei vlori della missione, e che viene formalizzata precisando reciproci diritti e doveri. Il testo che segue tocca due aspetti: 1. come il carisma del Fondatore viene partecipato; 2. la figura dei ìlaici dehonianiî missionari.

FR - Le chemin suivi par nos confrères de la Province US, pour le partage du charisme avec les laïcs, est âssez original. De fait ils visent surtout la ìcollaborationî aux oeuvres apostoliques de la Province. Une collaboration qui est formalisée, pour déterminer très clairement droits et devoirs. Dans cet article on insiste surtout sur le charisme et sur líidentité des laïcs dehoniens.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian


Due ìtestimonianzeî personali

IT - A quelle che sono state le esperienze di gruppi più o meno organizzati, ci è sembrato opportuno far seguire la testimonianza di due laici, i quali descrivono la loro personale esperienza in questo cammino che li ha portati, naturalmente per vie diverse, a incontrarsi con il carisma dehoniano e spiegano che cosa questa scoperta ha significato concretamente per la loro vita di fede e di carità.

FR - Aux expériences de groupes plus ou moins organisés on fait suivre ici la témoignage de deux laïcs dehoniens. Ils exposent le chemin quíils ont suivi pour se rencontrer avec le charisme dehonien et nous expliquent ce que cela a apporté à leur vie de foi et de charité.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

14. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

Laici Dehoniani e Vescovi Dehoniani

FR - On parle souvent de laïcs dehoniens et aussi de prêtres dehoniens. Mais voici que maintenant on parle même díÉvêques Dehoniens. ìNous ne voulons pas oublier notre origine scjî, ont-ils écrit une dizaine díentre eux, à líoccasion díune réunion quíils ont eue au Brésil le mois de juillet 1999. ìLa spiritualité dehonienne illumine notre mission... Il faut que les gens nous reconnaissent comme évêques du Sacré-Coeurî.

EN - There are many different elements in the Dehonian Family: the SCJ Religious, the Sisters ìServantsî of the Sacred Heart, the Missionary Companies and people consecrated in the secular life, the Dehonian Laity and groups of voluntary workers, etc. I had never thought that there were also Dehonian Bishops. They made their presence felt recently with the meeting ìSCJ Bishops of Portuguese/Spanish Languageî. It took place 26-29 July, 1999. There were ten participants. The Superior General, in a letter of greeting, hoped that ìthe meeting may serve to keep and strengthen links with the Congregation and nurture the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus in which you were generate as religious presbyters and bishopsî.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
15. Ezio Alessandroni, scj

Incontro internazionale Animatori vocazionali scj

FR - Une réunion internationale des promoteurs scj des vocations a eu lieu à Lavras (Brésil) le mois díaoût 1999. Très bonnes les relations et le partage, très grand líintérêt pour les sujets qui ont été traités. Un des résultats immédiats de cette rencontre: le ìmessageî des participants sur líimportance de la pastorale vocationale pour le futur de la Congrégation.

EN - This meeting was held at Lavras, Brazil. Since it was promoted by the General Curia it concerned the entire Congregation. The encounter was characterized by the fact that after the conferences on a study level the participants were able to share the vocational experiences which had been promoted in the various parishes of the region.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
16. Umberto Chiarello, scj

Madagascar: 25 anni di presenza dehoniana

FR - Le travail missionnaire SCJ dans cette île, grande presque deux fois líItalie, a été très fécond. Dans cet article líAuteur expose les résultats atteints après seulement 25 ans díactivité, et il exprime des sentements de vive reconnaissance envers nos Confrères pour la générosité avec laquelle ils se sont dévoués dans cett mission.

EN - The SCJ missionary experience in this large island has been particularly fruitful. After only 25 years of active presence the main results are described with a sense of gratitude to the Lord and thankfulness to the brethren who committed themselves so generously.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian