D e h o n i a n a

Anno XXIX 2000/2




Centro Studi SCJ - Roma


Rivista Quadrimestrale dei Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore

Anno XXIX - 2000/2


Centro Studi SCJ
Via Casale di S. Pio V, 20
I - 00165 Roma
E-mail: scjcuriagen@scj.org


Carlos Alberto da Costa Silva
Egidio Driedonkx
Rafael Gonçalves da Costa
André Perroux
Andrea Tessarolo
Hadrianus Wardjito


Andrea Tessarolo

Roma, Maggio-Agosto 2000


1. Editoriale
Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
2. Léon Dehon

La prière - Le bréviaire

IT - Più che un testo, è uno schema, ancora manoscritto, sulla liturgia delle ore, vista come una preghiera della Chiesa. Il sacerdote, infatti, celebra questa ìliturgiaî come preghiera ìdella Chiesaî e ìper tutta la Chiesaî. Il presbitero è visto allora come ìcontinuata presenza di Gesùî e quando prega è come ìla Chiesa in preghieraî. Molti i vantaggi di questa preghiera e di qui la necessità di viverla ìdigne, attente, ac devoteî.

EN - Rather than an article, this is a table, originally handwritten, on the Liturgy of the Hours seen as the prayer of the Church. The priest, in fact, celebrates this ìLiturgyî as a prayer which is ìof the Churchî and ìfor all the Churchî. The priest is therefore seen as the ìcontinued presence of Jesusî, and when he prays he is, as it were, ìthe Church in prayerî. There are many advantages to this prayer and this is the reason why there is a necessity to live it with ìdignity, care and devotionî.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

3. Juan José Arnaíz Ecker, scj

Una bella misión: orar con Jesús, por todos, en nombre de la Iglesia

IT - La riforma liturgica, promossa dal Vaticano II, sottolinea con insistenza che la preghiera della Chiesa è continuazione della preghiera che sgorga dal Cuore di Cristo, a beneficio dellíintera umanità. Questo spirito, riproposto spesso nella Liturgia delle ore, è molto presente anche negli scritti del p. Dehon. Anima profondamente mistica e ardentemente apostolica, egli ci invita a cogliere, proprio nel mistero della Liturgia della Chiesa, la presenza di ìColui che ci fa vivere uniti, che ci consacra a Dio e di continuo ci rilancia per le vie del mondo, al servizio del Vangeloî (Cst 82).

EN - The liturgical reform promoted by Vatican II persistently emphasizes that the prayer of Church is the continuation of the prayer for all humanity which rises from the Heart of Christ. This spirit, which is so often evident in the Liturgy of the Hours, is also very present in the writings of Fr. Dehon. A profoundly mystical and ardently apostolic soul, he invites us to receive, precisely in the mystery of the Liturgy of the Church, the presence of ìHe who makes us live in unity, who consecrates us to God and continually sets us out on the roads of the world in the service of the Gospelî (Cst 82).

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
4. Paul J. McGuire, scj

The World in the Heart, in the Heart of the World

IT - Nel 1864 la Santa Sede, con il ìSillaboî, condannava líidea che il Papa dovesse riconciliarsi ìcol progresso, col liberalismo e con la cultura modernaî. Un secolo dopo, il Concilio Vaticano II pubblicava un documento che inizia così: ìLe gioie e le angosce degli uomini díoggi, e soprattutto dei poveri, sono pure le gioie e le angosce dei discepoli di Cristoî. In questo articolo, líAutore si propone di spiegare come e perché si è giunti a prospettive così diverse. E mostra come il p. Dehon non è stato estraneo a questa ìvicendaî.

FR - Líidée que le Pape aurait dû se réconcilier ìavec le progrès, le libéralisme, la civilisation moderneî était durement condamnée par le Saint Siège en 1864 (cf. le ìSyllabusî, document de Pio IX très connu !).

Un siècle plus tard, le Concile Vatican II publiait un document très solennel, ìGaudium et Spesî, qui commence ainsi : ìLes joies et... les angoisses des hommes díaujourdíhui, et surtout des pauvres, sont aussi les joies et... les angoisses des disciples du Christî. Dans cet article, líAuteur vise à expliquer comment et pourquoi ont est parvenu à des perspectives tellement diverses. Et il nous fait voir comment le p. Dehon nía pas été en marge de ces événements.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

5. Giovanni Mengoli, scj

Líintercessione biblica, ovvero la solidarietà riparatrice

FR - De certains textes bibliques on peut déduire que la prière díintercession a très souvent, comme fondement, une profonde solidarité avec une situation de détresse ou de péché, et quíelle vise, comme but, díéliminer une telle situation, en vainquant les forces du mal par un amour tout à fait gratuit. Ce même esprit anime aussi notre ìRègle de Vieî, qui nous parle díunion au Christ ìdans son intercessionî pour servir ìpar toute notre vie à líalliance de Dieu avec son peupleî (Cst 84).

EN - From certain biblical texts one can deduce that, as its basis, intercessory prayer often has a profound solidarity with a situation of distress or of sin, and that it aims, as its objective, to eliminate such a situation by overcoming the forces of evil through a totally freely-given love. This same spirit also animates our ìRule of Lifeî, which speaks to us of union with Christ in ìHis thanksgiving and intercessionî ìto serve by our whole life the Covenant of God with His peopleî (Cst. 84).

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
6. Placido Rebello, scj

Reparation Way to Happiness

IT - La letteratura ìdevotaî che parla del Cuore di Gesù e di riparazione a volte è ancora segnata da sentimenti di tristezza, solitudine e sconforto. Attraverso la meditazione della Scrittura e il proprio cammino spirituale, líAutore di questo articolo arriva, invece, a vedere il fondamento della riparazione soprattutto nellíamore: la realtà dellíamore di Dio, che reclama la nostra risposta díamore; la realtà del peccato, che ci fa sentire líurgenza della riparazione.

FR - La littérature dévotionnelle populaire, concernant le Sacré-Coeur et la réparation, souvent était caractérisée par des sentiments de tristesse, solitude, amertume. Par une écoute plus attentive à la Parole de Dieu et son propre chemin spirituel, líAuteur de cet article parvient, au contraire, à comprendre que le fondement de la réparation est surtout líamour; que la réalité de líamour de Dieu réclame une réponse díamour; et surtout que la réalité du péché nous fait comprendre líurgence de la réparation.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

7. Egidio Driedonkx, scj

Los primeros laicos con quienes el p. Dehon ha trabajado

FR - Au début de son travail pastoral à Saint-Quentin, L. Dehon eut la chance de rencontrer la collaboration díun groupe de laïcs de la Conférence de St-Vincent, très dévoués. Ils ont été ses collaborateurs, très engagés et très fidèles, dans toutes ses initiatives díapostolat: érection et animation du Patronat; formation des jeunes ouvriers; initiatives de charité; organisation des congrès de Liesse et de St-Quentin, etc. Le p. Dehon en parle souvent dans son Journal avec une grande estime et reconnaissance.

EN - At the beginning of his pastoral work at Saint Quentin Fr. Dehon had the opportunity of having the collaboration of a group of very devout lay people from the St. Vincent de Paul Society. They were his very committed and very faithful collaborators in all his initiatives of apostolate: the erection and animation of the patronage; the formation of young workers; charitable activities; the organization of the Congresses of Liesse and Saint Quentin, etc. Fr. Dehon often wrote of them in his Journal with great respect and gratitude.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
8. Umberto Chiarello, scj

LíAssociazione riparatrice: una storia, una spiritualità

FR - Cet article est comme une relecture thématique du dossier de documents rassemblés par le p. Driedonkx et concernant líhistoire de líAssociation réparatrice au temps du p. Dehon. Une partie du dossier du p. Egidio a été éditée dans Dehoniana 2000/1. Ici le p. Chiarello síinspire à ces mêmes documents díarchive, mais cette fois-ci il les étudie du point de vue de la continuité des idées et des valeurs, malgré la diversité de certaines formulations verbales.

EN - This article is, as it were, a thematic re-reading of the Dossier of documents collected by Fr. Driedonkx concerning the history of the Reparatory Association in the time of Fr. Dehon. One part of Fr. Egidioís dossier was presented in Dehoniana 2000/1. Here Fr. Chiarello finds inspiration in studying these same documents from the archives, but this time from the point of view of the continuity of the ideas and the values they contain, in spite of the different ways in which they are formulated.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
9. Umberto Chiarello, scj

Per un ìprofiloî del laico dehoniano

FR - La rencontre internationale de la Famille Dehonienne, qui aura lieu à Rome le mois díoctobre 2000, sera vraiment profitable si líon a une claire vision sur le rôle du laïcat dans líÉglise, à la lumière du Vatican II. Cíest donc à une telle ecclésiologie quíil faut se référer pour tracer un profil du laïc dehonien et indiquer les modalités concrètes, pour lui, de vivre dans líÉglise et dans le monde, la spiritualité dehonienne. Dans cet article on souligne aussi la nécessité díune profonde formation pour assurer líunité entre foi et vie.

EN - The International Congress of the Dehonian Family, planned for the month of October 2000 in Rome, will have a more positive outcome if the participants bring with them a clear view of the laity in the Church in the light of Vatican II. It is necessary to refer to this doctrine both in tracing the portrait of the Dehonian laity and in determining the positive ways in which they may live their Dehonian spirituality in the Church and in the world. We are reminded also of the necessity for a thorough formation in order to achieve a unity between faith and life.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

10. Tadeusz A. Kaluzny, scj

I padri dehoniani in Bielorussia

FR - Pour faire comprendre la nature et les buts des services pastoraux que nos Confrères polonais prêtent dans la Biélorussie, líAuteur de cet article commence en exposant díune façon très synthétique le contexte historique et religieux du pays, et surtout líorigine de líÉglise catholique latine. Trois les arguments les plus importants quíil a décidé díaborder: 1. des notes sur líhistoire civile et religieuse de la Biélorussie; 2. la situation de la Biélorussie maintenant, après une domination communiste très longue et très dure; 3. líactivité et les perspectives des Pères Dehoniens dans ce pays.

EN - To make us understand the nature and the objectives of the pastoral work of our Polish brethren serving in Byelorussia, the author of this article begins by briefly describing the historical and religious circumstances of the country, and particularly the origin of the Latin-Catholic Church. The most important subjects which he decided to tackle are three: 1. notes on the civil and religious history of Byelorussia; 2. the current situation in Byelorussia, after a very long and very hard period of communist domination; 3. the activity and the prospects for the Dehonian Fathers in this country.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
11. Andrea Tessarolo, scj

Una comunità dehoniana a La Capelle, nella casa natale di p. Dehon

FR - La maison natale du p. Dehon, à La Capelle, est toujours resté propriété de la Famille Malézieux-Dehon. Mais en 1997 elle à été achetée par notre Congrégation, pour en faire en centre international de témoignage et de spiritualité dehonienne. Dans cet article on parle de la rencontre de jeunes religieux, du 19 au 28 juillet 1999, en préparation de la profession perpétuelle, et aussi de líérection canonique de la maison dehonienne de La Capelle. Celle-ci a été célébrée le 14 mars 2000. Tout le monde souhaite que cette nouvelle ìfondation scjî, qui nous rappelle la Maison paternelle de notre Fondateur, puisse se développer comme source díinspiration pour une présence active du carisme du p. Dehon dans líÉglise et dans la société.

EN - The house where Fr. Dehon was born, in La Capelle, always remained the property of the Malézieux-Dehon family. But in 1997 it was bought by our Congregation in order to make it into an international center of Dehonian witness and spirituality. This article speaks of the meeting of young religious, from July 19 to 28, 1999, in preparation for their perpetual vows, and also of the Canonical establishment of the Dehonian house of La Capelle, celebrated on March 14, 2000. Everyone hopes that this new ìS.C.J. Foundationî, with which we honor the memory of our Founderís paternal home, will develop as a source of inspiration for an active presence of Fr. Dehonís charism in the Church and in society.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian

12. Javier López Andoño, scj

Los Católicos en la India, del 1577 al 2000

IT - Dopo i due articoli su questo tema (cf. ìDehonianaî 96/3, 137-149; 99/3, 89-97), in questo terzo e ultimo intervento líAutore accenna allo scisma del 1653; poi si sofferma a descrivere líopera paziente dei Carmelitani scalzi e gli sviluppi successivi. Solo nel 1887 furono eretti due vicariati apostolici, ma con prelati di rito latino, mentre dal 1896 cominciarono ad essere guidati da vescovi orientali.

Nel 1956 la gerarchia locale malabarese venne organizzata nelle due province ecclesiastiche di Ernakulan e Changanacherry, e rispettive suffraganee. Così risultava definitivamente risolta la questione dei cattolici indiani di rito siro-malabarese.

EN - After two articles on this subject (Cf. ìDehonianaî 96/3 and 99/3), the author, in this third and last contribution, writes of the schism of 1653. He then recounts the patient work of the Discalced Carmelites and the successive developments which occurred. It was only in 1887 that two apostolic vicariates were established. At first there were Latin rite priests, but from 1896 they began to be directed by oriental bishops. In 1956 the local Malabar hierarchy was organized in the two ecclesiastical provinces of Ernakulan and Changanacherry, with their respective suffragans. In this way the problem of Indian Catholics of the Syro-Malabar rite was finally settled.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian
13. Evaristo Martínez de Alegria, scj


IT - Breve presentazione di una serie di opuscoli, di carattere popolare, sul p. Dehon e la spiritualità della Congregazione. Utili, in particolare, nella pastorale giovanile e per gruppi di Laici Dehoniani.

EN - This is a brief presentation regarding a series of small books, written in easily understandable, everyday language, on Fr. Dehon and the spirituality of the Congregation. They are particularly useful regarding the youth ministry and for groups of Dehonian Laity. Those interested in obtaining this series should contact the Portuguese Provincial Curia in Lisbon.

Typical - English - Portuguese - Italian